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Tuesday, 18 May 2021 19:44

Special tools

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When adjusting the rear brake, some caution is required, as slipping with a ring wrench or ratchet with a jammed or round eccentric hexagon ensures that the brake line is in the immediate vicinity and easily damaged. Apart from that, you can no longer adjust the brakes with a round hexagon. The metrinch tools that have been available for some time and that also loosen round nuts or screws are actually almost standard in a well-equipped workshop.

These metrinch tools do not affect the hexagon on the corners, but rather on the flanks because of the waveform, and therefore this tool does not care much about a screwed nut. The disadvantage of the nuts is that they have a rounded shot and that the fairly flat-setting eccentric nuts of the rear brake do not grip well. I sharpened the rounding of a 14 mm metrinch nut so far that the nut has no chance of sliding off, even with a round hexagon.

I did the same with a normal 17-nut. This means that the front axle bolts are tightened when this typical crack occurs when starting and braking. If necessary, press the tool against the screw with a mobile jack to prevent slipping. The roller jack with turntable is perfectly suited for this. Wheel hub puller Special tools are required to remove the wheel hub. It is actually just a thick thorn with the following dimensions:


With this part and a heavy hammer you can knock out the wheel hub. This is necessary if the wheel hub is damaged and needs to be replaced, and especially when replacing the wheel bearings.


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