When the dashboard light fails or when the speedometer is almost invisible in the dark, it's time to replace the light.
It is important to know that the cable of the speedometer is attached to the dashboard. There are two ways to detach the cable from the speedometer. The first method is to disconnect the cable from the gearbox. To do this, both splash guards must be removed. Another method is to disassemble the battery and the battery box. This method is described here.
The battery and the battery box are disassembled and you immediately look through the hole on the back of the dashboard. You can easily unscrew the cable gland from the speedometer.
Then the screws can be removed from the dashboard. Two on the left and two on the right.
The third screw on the left side can remain in place. This means that the meter plate is fixed in the dashboard.
In the photo of the back of the counter plate, the socket of the light is circled in yellow. The light that belongs in it is a 12 Volt T4W 4 Watt light with a BA9s base/socket.
After replacing the bulb, everything can be reassembled in reverse order. Reconnecting the counter cable may require some patience. Loosening is done in no time, but securing it is sometimes more difficult. But the same goes if you have loosened the cable on the gearbox. Securing the meter cable to the gearbox does not always work in one go.
- Phillips screwdriver
- Stitch Ring Key 8, 10, and 11
- New light 12 Volt T4W 4 Watt bulb with a BA9s base/socket
- Patience
- Possibly socket 8 and socket 19 with ratchet to disassemble the mudguards if you want to disconnect the counter cable on the gearbox.